A Tour of Last Week’s Common Use Days

If my title doesn’t make any sense, you didn’t read my last post :p

So, just because I didn’t hit “publish” doesn’t mean I didn’t blog right? *sigh* Darn time, pace yourself! Geez.

I was ever so on top of things Tuesday, we even went to the grocery store before preschool.

cutie on aisle two

Teacher Appreciation Week even trickles down to the preschool crowd at times! This delicious cupcake (I ate the green one ;)) started a sweet tooth craving that could not be contained until we’d hit up two bakeries AND baked a from-scratch pound cake…from Tuesday to Saturday!

as good as they look


left to right, Adriana’s pound cake, bakery purchased lemon pound cake, brown sugar pound cake made by me, and bakery cupcakes!

No worries, I haven’t abandoned my efforts to lower my cholesterol, the pound cake I made, I froze into servings for small group; Adriana’s cake and the bakery pound cake are still nearly untouched in the pantry, but the cupcakes? Um. I ate 3 1/2…in two days. #stillhuman

Jude’s therapy schedule wasn’t the norm last week (started new bi-weekly OT sessions, plus a make up speech session on Friday), which was fine by him because he is simply enthralled by the new spring decor outside.


he had to touch every one

On Thursday, I sat in during Jude’s speech therapy. It’s incredible to me how hard he works to produce sounds that I say without so much as a thought. Often, therapy becomes the norm and I forget just how much effort is involved for my little guy.

silly face during silly speech game

While on the subject of effort, sweet goodness, Lucy’s new reading level just might be the death of both of us. The books are far longer…her attention span far shorter, and my patience just about non existent! #isitsummeryet

homework time

Lila’s new glasses came in last week and it’s going to take some time to get used to seeing our little princess with her new accessory! She cracked me up when she first put them on, declaring, “Woah, I can see!” I remember that feeling!

pretty in pink


I love this pic of Livie & Lila!


and he’s out

We can never seem to make it through the week without multiple trips to the grocery store. Jude’s been battling a wicked cold and needed abundant rest last week. As in, napping every.single.day.   Those colds often lead to ear infections, which officially led to the news on Friday at Jude’s ENT appointment, that he’ll be getting his third set of tubes in the near future (just waiting for the phone call to schedule). Seriously. Poor buddy. His hearing test revealed increased pressure in his left ear (the one giving him such a hard time a few weeks back). Between next month’s endoscopy and this simple surgery, Jude will be looking at anesthesia for the ninth and tenth times. Crazy.
 Saturday was just about the most physically productive day I’ve ever had in my life! HA! Good thing too…given those cupcakes I mentioned 😉 We had our usual volleyball/baseball parent shuffle.
    Then, Lila and I walked 3 1/2 miles on the greenway. Lila was so precious, we took an absurd amount of photos, paused to inspect the flowers, and what was most adorable to me, she reached for my hand every time a stranger passed us. Love my Isabelly boo!  

David and William worked on the patio; which David spent most of the week prepping…and it’s still got more work until completion is official. Much bigger project than we anticipated.  Livie apparently needed a bit extra quality time; after playing catch in the yard (Yes, I do this :P) she asked me if we could walk the neighborhood trail. I couldn’t really refuse my girl! We decided to startle Avery and her friend while they were playing in the creek beside the trail by shouting, “Don’t jump!” It was comical…to me. Avery’s expression just screams, “I am not amused by my mother” doesn’t it?    David and I had a long anticipated date night to see our favorite band, NeedtoBreathe, Saturday night. We were both soooo tired! Ha! But it was awesome and I love when we get time to just have fun together.

concert time!

Another week in the books!


One thought on “A Tour of Last Week’s Common Use Days

  1. Cupcakes, needtobreathe, and walks…sounds good to me! K is doing twice a week OT and PT currently, but they come to the house so that makes it easier.

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