May Madness

Three things about Friday:

 #1 The new upstairs a/c and furnace installation happened, effectively blocking my van in the garage.

what nearly $10,000 will get you

This was only a problem because of #2: preschool tour. I promise a post on all this soon. Fortunately, Meme was already on the way to watch Jude, so she just chauffeured me to the meeting 🙂

As for #3: play date fun! It’s always good for the soul to catch up with friends.

While my soul was mostly content, I did suffer a small amount of mommy guilt for missing Adriana’s Special Olympics events.

post Special Olympics Adriana = tired

Saturday began week one, of five, in which we have four Apple girls playing two sports at three different locations; plus two tag along siblings. The logistics literally required pen and paper to configure a solution. Lila lost her inhaler somewhere along the way (Boy, am I excited to see how this kid handles the responsibility of glasses.) Then, Lila’s volleyball team play round robin style, so they do two sets per game and play two out of three games (basically, 1.5 hours of volleyball!); this detail threw me for a scheduling loop as I raced back home to pick up Avery, Adriana, and Jude.

  Given the stress lately, we decided a family day at the zoo was in order for Sunday. What’s that saying about attitude determining your day…because I failed. I couldn’t summon my inner Pollyanna no matter how hard I tried. And I was sort of kind of trying…right up until Adriana went all diva on me in the women’s restroom (There is a level of hell where these events unfold on repeat, I’m certain of it.). At that point, I straight up had to separate from my little lovelies or more than my attitude was going to suffer. But look, pictures!

always with the rock wall


apple babies

tram time

wishing fountains, lol

pretending to love each other

woodland walk

patience tester posing with the Daddy

lunch break!


baby koala!

jude & liv

Fours later and we made it out alive, and my mood was better (Only due to divine intervention, I texted my sisters to pray! I was in an ugly mommy place my friends.)

On the way home, things got a bit questionable when Adriana decided we needed to stop for ice cream and we disagreed…that translated into bribery of the keep-it-together-because-we-need-to-make-it-home variety. So, we swung by the grocery store just before arriving home, and bought more ice cream than anyone should ever have at one time without a party taking place.

And then…that pretty new a/c screen from Friday, went blank.

I quit.

I’ll take a double scoop of everything.

Presently, the a/c repair man is here correcting the problem in our 48 hours old unit. Adriana is fed and tucked into bed. The girls and Jude are mostly patiently waiting for an ice cream for dinner, with a side of The Middle marathon, evening to begin…and so is this mama.