Weekend Double Dose 

The pace of life in our home lately has been a tad rapid fire-esque.  Can’t seem to squeeze an extra minute in to blog. Must.Change.This.

Before another week claims my attention, a few photos from my niece, Heather’s, birthday party, two Saturday’s ago! 

I do adore the time my siblings and all the cousins share together. 


Livie & Ethan


trampoline fun for Avery & Emily


adriana sporting a party favor in her hair 🙂


emily & megan


jack & jude in the bounce house


the birthday girl, Heather turns 8


The following Sunday was a day I will treasure for years. Livie and Lila accepted Jesus a few years ago, but neither was quite ready for baptism (largely due to the on stage, all eyes on you manner in which our church performs baptisms). 

Times change and so do traditions! Our church moves the baptismal pool outside after the last service a few times a year. The girls were ready at last. Lila nearly broke our hearts with joy over her testimony in the prep class. 


Overwhelmed mama heart right here friends! It really was a beautiful moment. 

Olivia Marie

Lila Isabelle

proud and blessed parents


small gifts to honor a big day

  Fast forward through another full week, and into this past Friday, aka, prom day!

Sweet goodness!

Adriana and a her ability to keep it together this week….oh my. Every indication prom day was going to be a challenge, was abundantly clear: breaking her nails, irrational outbursts, last minute dress changes, school meltdown. Change in routine is so hard on our girl! 


not THE dress, but almost the dress


THE dress!


looking so beautiful and happy


what’s not to love?

If you have the misfortune of following me on FB, you might have caught my yes-no-maybe-yes drama of will-Adriana-make-it-to-prom!   

message from her teacher = victory!

That girl…never a dull moment. Like, ever.

We kept Adriana supremely entertained over the long weekend with operation, ‘rip out the floors’ and bonus project, spontaneous morning room repaint! 


one of five areas we had to clear of old flooring


while the room was clear…good time to paint!

 And when we weren’t knee deep in box cutters or paint brushes, we (and by we I mean David; who do you think did the painting!), cheered on two volleyball games and a t-ball game AND took three little girls to a college league baseball game on Saturday. 

lucy hit a coach pitch ball


waiting for player autographs

 On Sunday, we put the tools aside long enough to enjoy family time at the pool.


Avery & Livie jump in!



Avery Gracie


those are supposed to be handstands…


adriana’s three point pool rotation



After snack and washing the cars, we brought dinner to our friends who just welcomed baby number five (and their first boy!).


Avery and newborn Sean (swoon!)

With the final floor removal taking up most of Monday, we planned popcorn and movie night to round out another happily full weekend 🙂


packed in with all the extra furniture!

  Aiming to be more consistent in my sharing this week; expect a giant before & after flooring post soon! So excited that it almost makes up for the exhaustion the prep work inspired! 

absolute chaos!